newtmgr image

Manage images on a device.


newtmgr image [command] -c <connection_profile> [flags]


The coredownload subcommand uses the following local flags:

-n, --bytes uint32         Number of bytes of the core to download
-e, --elfify               Create an ELF file
    --offset unint32       Offset of the core file to start the download

Global Flags:

-c, --conn string       connection profile to use
-h, --help              help for newtmgr
-l, --loglevel string   log level to use (default "info")
    --name string       name of target BLE device; overrides profile setting
-t, --timeout float     timeout in seconds (partial seconds allowed) (default 10)
-r, --tries int         total number of tries in case of timeout (default 1)


The image command provides subcommands to manage core and image files on a device. Newtmgr uses the conn_profile connection profile to connect to the device.




The newtmgr image confirm [hex-image-hash] command makes an image setup permanent on a device. If a hex-image-hash hash value is specified, Mynewt permanently switches to the image identified by the hash value. If a hash value is not specified, the current image is made permanent.


The newtmgr image coreconvert <core-filename> <elf-file> command converts the core-filename core file to an ELF format and names it elf-file. Note: This command does not download the core file from a device. The core file must exist on your host.


The newtmgr image coredownload <core-filename> command downloads the core file from a device and names the file core-filename on your host. Use the local flags under Flags to customize the command.


The newtmgr image coreerase command erases the core file on a device.


The newtmgr image corelist command lists the core(s) on a device.


The newtmgr image erase command erases an unused image from the secondary image slot on a device. The image cannot be erased if the image is a confirmed image, is marked for test on the next reboot, or is an active image for a split image setup.


The newtmgr image list command displays information for the images on a device.


The newtmgr test <hex-image-hash> command tests the image, identified by the hex-image-hash hash value, on next reboot.


The newtmgr image upload <image-file> command uploads the image-file image file to a device.






newtmgr confirm -c profile01

Makes the current image setup on a device permanent. Newtmgr connects to the device over a connection specified in the profile01 connection profile.


newtmgr confirmbe9699809a049...73d77f-c profile01

Makes the image, identified by the be9699809a049...73d77f hash value, setup on a device permanent. Newtmgr connects to the device over a connection specified in the profile01 connection profile.


newtmgr image coreconvert mycore mycore.elf

Converts the mycore file to the ELF format and saves it in the mycore.elf file.


newtmgr image coredownload mycore -c profile01

Downloads the core from a device and saves it in the mycore file. Newtmgr connects to the device over a connection specified in the profile01 connection profile.


newtmgr image coredownload mycore -e -c profile01

Downloads the core from a device, converts the core file into the ELF format, and saves it in the mycore file. Newtmgr connects to the device over a connection specified in the profile01 connection profile.


newtmgr image coredownload mycore --offset 10 -n 30 -c profile01

Downloads 30 bytes, starting at offset 10, of the core from a device and saves it in the mycore file. Newtmgr connects to the device over a connection specified in the profile01 connection profile.


newtmgr image coreerase -c profile01

Erases the core file on a device. Newtmgr connects to the device over a connection specified in the profile01 connection profile.


newtmgr image corelist -c profile01

Lists the core files on a device. Newtmgr connects to the device over a connection specified in the profile01 connection profile.


newtmgr image erase -c profile01

Erases the image, if unused, from the secondary image slot on a device. Newtmgr connects to the device over a connection specified in the profile01 connection profile.


newtmgr image list -c profile01

Lists the images on a device. Newtmgr connects to the device over a connection specified in the profile01 connection profile.


newtmgr image test be9699809a049...73d77f

Tests the image, identified by the be9699809a049...73d77f hash value, during the next reboot on a device. Newtmgr connects to the device over a connection specified in the profile01 connection profile.


newtmgr image upload btshell.img -c profile01

Uploads the btshell.img image to a device. Newtmgr connects to the device over a connection specified in the profile01 connection profile.