newtmgr crash

Send a crash command to a device.


newtmgr crash <assert|div0|jump0|ref0|wdog> -c <conn_profile> [flags]

Global Flags:

-c, --conn string       connection profile to use
-h, --help              help for newtmgr
-l, --loglevel string   log level to use (default "info")
    --name string       name of target BLE device; overrides profile setting
-t, --timeout float     timeout in seconds (partial seconds allowed) (default 10)
-r, --tries int         total number of tries in case of timeout (default 1)


Sends a crash command to a device to run one of the following crash tests: div0, jump0, ref0, assert, wdog. Newtmgr uses the conn_profile connection profile to connect to the device.




newtmgr crash div0-c profile01

Sends a request to a device to execute a divide by 0 test. Newtmgr connects to the device over a connection specified in the profile01 connection profile.

newtmgr crash ref0-c profile01

Sends a request to a device to execute a nil pointer reference test. Newtmgr connects to the device over a connection specified in the profile01 connection profile.